Customer Testimonials | Try it Free!
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Our customer testimonials highlight examples of how our customers are solving the dilemma of how to monitor and tune a database server environment, while also managing zero overhead or accrued operating costs.
Kristina Rotach
"Sql Power Tools opened up a window which enabled us to view what was actually happening underneath our web application hood at the database level. Looking at the database activity using Sql Power Tools opened up a new world of information of what was previously invisible to us. We were surprised that we were doing 250 transactions a second during busy times. We were able to quickly determine which stored procedures were long running and we were able to pinpoint the procedures that were causing blocking. Between rewriting the bad SQL and adding memory, our main 24/7 SQL Jobs began to process 4X faster. Our customer service calls for performance virtually vanished and we were able to focus on enhancements rather than troubleshooting performance. We probably saved 4 hours a day of performance issues that involved management, customer service and the technical team. That translates into faster enhancements and a lot of $$."
Frank LaDue
Advanced Technology Company
"After years as a DBA, I can tell you there is absolutely nothing on the market that compares to the Zero Impact Sql Monitor product line...I wholeheartedly recommend this product to all DBA's without reservation. It is the best performance investment you will ever make."
Richard Leeke
Equinox Ltd, New Zealand
"We purchased Sql Power Tools Zero Impact products to provide the data necessary to perform the diagnosis of performance issues. The tools are also used to help prioritize effort on tuning activities by identifying which areas would have most overall impact on performance. One of the major benefits has been the provision of an objective measure of system performance.""
Eugene (Yevgeny) Kurlyandchik
"Zero Impact is a great tool, it gives us valuable information about poor end-user service levels and bad SQL (table scan, etc). We corrected our application and now both user contention and database access have improved significantly."
Sql Power Tools awarded Community Choice Best Database Monitoring and Performance Product by SQL Server Magazine Sql Power Tools awarded Best Database Monitoring and Performance Product Community Choice Gold by SQL Server Magazine 2009.
The Zero Impact Performance Divergence Monitor is released. Offers early warning of deteriorating performance in SQL Server database server farms. Analyzes performance trends and deviations from historical baselines to identify which performance metrics and SQL statements are deteriorating from a prior rolling time period or historical baseline. Read more.
" After years as a DBA, I can tell you there is absolutely nothing on the market that compares to the Zero Impact Sql Monitor product is the best performance investment you will ever make. "
Frank LaDue
Advanced Technology Company

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